Amazonas  is the world’s largest rainforest. 
They are divided into about 400 tribes, each with own language , culture and territory.

Most indians live in settled villages by the rivers and grow vegetables and fruits like manioc, corn , beans and bananas. 
They also hunt and fish, using plant-based poisons to stun the fish.
Some tribes use shotguns for hunting, others use bows, spears with darts tripped with curare.

Tribes are nomadic, they tend to live deep in the forest away from the rivers. 
They have access to healthcare and education.


We have been here for a while and not long ago we discovered a tribe in which we were allowed to live with them and I noticed that the houses are a bit peculiar as they are obviously homemade houses, they live in large circular communal houses called yanos. Some of them can accommodate up to 20 people. The central area of the house is used for collective activities such as rituals, parties, games, among others.
